WASS Electronics Inc. is pleased to announce that our full product line is now conveniently available to all of our European, Australian and Middle East customers. We are very thankful to those of you that have waited so patiently for our product line to be made available in your home countries. Below is the agent’s name and contact information for each country, feel free to contact them directly to arrange to purchase your new WASS Electronics product.
United Kingdom (Great Britain, Scotland & Ireland)
Tel: 4479 400 93985
Tel: 447 5337 33878
Adolis Music
Tel: 4479 5869 1166
Tel: +4670 4337 568
Tel: +4676 0781 571
Tel: +4676 0800 552
Tel: +4745 1779 79
Asmera Restaurant
Tel: 4560 381 382
Fantahun: +393510222919
Simret: 3932 9488 6646
Jemal: 4368 8649 43710
Awet: 3526 6149 3013
Rotterdam: 3164 9319 839
Abyssinia Grocery
Tel: 3161 4141 833
Tel: +31640996697
Tel Tigist: +393279829802
Ferede : +41795407981
Isayas: +004915171451575
Beauty Zone: 4969 2427 7711
Sami: 4915 1248 95846
Chalachew: 4917649156828
Kassahun 4915217297250
Sunsine Import & Export +491733846659
Mussie Human Hair
Tel: 971 555 678 9808
Tel: 0559327818
Tel: 0559327784
Tel: 026726251
Cafe Lalibela
Abera 0402871072
Abby’s Cosmotices
Tensaye 0421147345
Abesha Grocery
Yemata 0411174858
Neima Injera Footscray
Nugusu 0413189193
Lemat Injera Grocery
Solomon (03) 96890006
Bright Merkato Trading
Dawit 0402072168
M&R Travel Agent
Samson 0403367180
Gabriel Family Day Care
Meskerem 0423 748889
Homeland Grocery
Fisseha 0469804457
Ethiopian Products pty.
Misiker 0432 659 028
Heaven Injera Bakery
Meseganaw 0412103440
About WASS Electronics Signature Product
Injera Cooking Appliance – The WASS Electronics Digital Mitad Grill
Digital Mitad – The WASS Electronics Mitad 16″ Grill is ready for the rigours of your home or restaurant kitchen. Tested to endure extended cooking times, you’ll find this heavily researched grill perfect for all your home and restaurant needs. Whether you’re coooking Injera in an Ethiopian Restaurant, Flatbread Chapitas in a Mexican Restaurant The WASS Electronics Mitad will meet your quality needs, ensuring that your guests and family will be delighted by the consistency of your cooking.
About WASS Electronics Inc.
WASS Electronics was founded by Wassie Mulugeta. Wassie has been developing and researching a better way for preparing and cooking Ethiopian Injera. In 1999, Wassie began working on an Automated Injera cooking Machine that is able to produce 100’s of Injera per hour. This project was completed in 2011 and is scheduled. In 2002, Wassie designed the WASS Electric Mitad which was designed, manufactured and sold in North America. This unit was discontinued due to the ineffectiveness of the Analog Temperature Controller. In 2012, Wassie had his dream of researching and developing a new generation Digital Electric Mitad come to fruition. By addressing each problem with the Analog Electric Mitad, Wassie now has is offering for sale the 16″ WASS Mitad Digital Grill. The new design features a digital thermostat which provides a consitent cooking temperature, no down time, energy saving and longer life. The WASS Mitad Grill is built to meet the standards of the commercial restaurant industry but simple enough to use in your home kitchen. The Grill is currently being used 8 hours everday for over a year by restaurant owners who make Injera for business.
The WASS Electronics, Inc. Mitad 16″ grill is a professional grade cooking tool. With over 12 years of Research and Development the 16″ grill is ready for your home or restaurant WASS Digital Mitad Grillkitchen. Having worked to ensure the best cooking surface, and electronic controls, this WASS Electronic’s designed and produced cooking tool can withstand the rigours of hours of use.